
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The paper must be original and unpublished, and must not be under consideration by another journal.
  • Files for submission must be in Word format.
  • Articles should not exceed 30 pages in A4 format, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing.
  • Each article submitted must include: a title in Portuguese and English expressing the contents and the general idea of the text; an abstract of not more than 15 lines in English and its respective Portuguese translation of not more than 15 lines; not more than six keywords in English and their respective Portuguese translation for indexing purposes.

  • References that must appear: full names of the authors; titles of each author and the institution of their highest degree; the program/institution to which the author(s) belong; title or function in the program/institution to which the author(s) belong; e-mail address (indispensable). It is also relevant to mention, in a specific note, whether the text has already been presented in a congress, seminar or symposium.
  • References and numbered notes should appear, in this order, at the end of the article (do not use footnotes).

Author Guidelines

        I. About us

Direito & Justiça is the traditional academic journal of PUCRS' Law School and its purpose is to disseminate and foster the science of law by publishing original articles on topics geared towards legal studies and transdisciplinarity.

The scientific standards recommended for the writing of scientific articles correspond to those prescribed by ABNT (Brazilian National Standards Organization). The up-to-date ABNT standards are available to students and professors in the website of PUCRS’ library. Refer to specialized sites.

      II. Editorial Policy

Direito & Justiça journal is released every semester and accept unpublished papers in Law and correlated areas. Papers written in Portuguese, English, Italian, Spanish, French and German will be accepted. The papers will be analyzed by the Editorial Board and by two independent consultants in a double blind peer-review.

Direito & Justiça journal is affiliated to COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics – and follows its guidelines in every aspect of publication ethics and, in particular, with regard to plagiarism in academic publications.

    III.  Documents for Submission

Articles for submission must be in Microsoft Word or compatible form. All articles must be sent through the Desktop Publishing System of the Direito & Justiça academic journal, which requires the author's prior registration.

Documents must be sent in two separate electronic files, which serve different purposes, as follows:

  1. Manuscript file. It must contain the “Title” of the paper, the “Abstract”, the “Key words” and the “Paper” itself. This document must be free of any reference, directly or not, that could be used to identify the author.
  2. Identification document. It must be sent through the field “suplementary files” and must contain the author's highest academic title, as well the author’s full name, email and home address.


    IV.  Submission Guidelines

1. The paper must be original and unpublished, and must not be under consideration by another journal.

2. Files for submission must be in Word format.

3. Articles should not exceed 30 pages in A4 format, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing.

4.  Each article submitted must include: a title expressing the contents and the general idea of the text; an abstract of not more than 15 lines; not more than six keywords for indexing purposes.

5.  References that must be included: full names of the authors; titles of each author and the institution where they earned their highest degree; the program/institution to which the author(s) belong; post or position in the program/institution to which the author(s) belong; email address (indispensable).

5.1  It is also relevant to mention, in a specific note, whether the paper has already been presented in a congress, seminar or symposium.

6.  References and numbered notes should appear, in this order, at the end of the article (do not use footnotes).


6.1) Book

LOPES JÚNIOR, Aury. Direito Processual Penal. 10. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2013.

6.2) Book – translation

SCHAPP, Jean. Direito das coisas: sachenrecht. Translation: Klaus-Peter Rurack, Maria da Glória Lacerda Rurack. 3. ed. Porto Alegre: Sergio Antonio Fabris Editor, 2010.

6.3) Chapter in a collective book

ANDRADE, Manuel da Costa. Métodos Ocultos de Investigação (Plädoyer para uma teoria geral). In: BONATO, Gilson (Org.). Processo Penal, Constituição e Crítica. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2011. p. 342-354.

6.4) Article in a journal

ARLACCHI, Pino. Il mito del terrorismo. Revista de Estudos Criminais, São Paulo, ano 10, n. 45, p. 9-27, abr./jun. 2012.

6.5) Article on electronic media

WEINGARTNER NETO, Jayme. A efetividade de medida protetiva de urgência no âmbito da violência doméstica e familiar: o crime de desobediência. Direito & Justiça, Porto Alegre, v.40, n.2, p. 144-151, 2014.

Available at: <>. Access date: 23 dez. 2014.

6.6) Theses and dissertations

MASI, Carlo Velho. A crise de legitimidade do direito penal na sociedade contemporânea. 2013. 313 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Criminais) – Faculdade de Direito, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 2013.

6.7) Laws and court cases

BRASIL. Código Civil. 54. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2003. BRASIL. Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Summary No. 37. Prevê a possibilidade de cumulação dos danos materiais e morais. Available at: <>. Access Date: 14 dez. 2008.

São Paulo: Tribunal de Justiça. Civil Appeal No. 282.110-4/5. Apelante: Cibele Ondei Rodrigues. Apelado: Adriano Ferreira da Silva. Rel. Maia da Cunha, Quarta Câmara de Direito Privado, 28.07.05 – V.U. Available at: Form&ID=377963&FORM=Alt_Juris. Access date: 14 fev. 2009.

7.  The images used in the texts, besides being referenced in the material, should be sent preferably in JPG format.


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