Advertisements, slavery and modernity: the representations contained in the baturiteense journal A Order, Conservative Orgão




newspaper, slave, modernization


This article is part of the perspective of local history and has as its horizon to propose a brief analysis of the advertisements and notices exposed in the Baturiteense newspaper A Ordem, conservative organ. Its copies, available on the website of the Biblioteca Nacional Digital Brasil, were produced in the late 1970s and early 19th century. Through a careful reading of these segments of the newspaper, comparing and discussing the written and visual elements, supported by a bibliography adequate to this effort, we propose to analyze, in general, the representation of the enslaved exposed in its pages, as well as to accentuate some indications. of the country’s incipient modernization, expressed locally. These changes, based on an ideology closer to abolitionism, went against the maintenance of the slave regime. First, we clarify the concept of “representation”, used largely by Chartier, to later use it as a tool to reflect on the image of the enslaved in this region, then we discuss what we understand as the signs of local modernization. In conclusion, we made a brief overview of what we analyzed in this work. 


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Author Biography

Igo Barbosa Barbosa, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), CE, Brasil.

Licenciado em História e graduado em Humanidades pela Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB), em Redenção CE, Brasil. Mestrando em História pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), em Fortaleza, CE, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, I. B. (2022). Advertisements, slavery and modernity: the representations contained in the baturiteense journal A Order, Conservative Orgão. Oficina Do Historiador, 15(1), e42736.