The legitimation of Costa e Silva at the pages of the “Realidade” magazine (1966-1967)




Realidade magazine, Civil-Military Dictatorship, Artur da Costa e Silva


This article aims to analyze the profile “Feliz Aniversário Seu Artur”, published in the Realidade magazine May 1966. The article about the Minister of War, Artur da Costa e Silva, antecipates his arrival as leader of dictatorial government in Brazil. Realidade was a magazine considered transgressive when it approached the plan of customs, however, it maintained dialogue with conservative sectors, as in the profiles of dictators constantly published during the first years of the magazine, always written by Luiz Fernando Mercadante. Thus, it is intended to understand, through a critical analysis of the narrative, the strategies used to build the character, which would be introduced in three more opportunities, directly or indirectly, showing a symbolic negotiation between the magazine and the Civil-Military Dictatorship. For this reason, it also seeks to understand the ideology’s modes of operation in the final version. In addition, it discusses the possibility of using magazines not only as sources, but as objects in historical research, capable of revealing the relations of power. Finally, it is perceived that the profile evidences the power relations between Realidade and Dictatorship, by the choices present in the text and by the care in reconstructing Costa e Silva in other occasions, legitimating him to the reading public.


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Author Biography

Jonas Migotto Filho, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), RS, Brasil.

Mestre em História pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Rio Grande do Sul, RS, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Migotto Filho, J. (2021). The legitimation of Costa e Silva at the pages of the “Realidade” magazine (1966-1967). Oficina Do Historiador, 14(1), e39656.



Dossiê: Mídias e História