Essay on Archaeology of rubber boom at Lower Amazon: materiality, ontology and heritage
Teoria e método em arqueologia. Cultura material. Arqueologia do capitalismo. Arqueologia histórica. Arqueologia amazônica.Abstract
stoneware and glass bottles were found by rubber tapper in his rubber plantation at Santarém. Located near a taperebá and native rubber trees, these bottles are the generating point of this research, associated with the rubber boom and / or, possibly, with Henry Wickham’s passage through the Santarém region. In this essay I present how these materials can be understood in their context from a relational and symmetrical perspective in material culture studies in order to launch new data to the studies of rubber boom and historical archeology in the Amazon. The research is still ongoing, so here I present the historical context, elaboration and discussion of hypotheses as methodology for interpretation of preliminary data after fieldwork, interviews, documentary research in different collections and analysis of material culture.
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