“Nessas águas moventes onde se cruzam ficção e realidade”

On Fictionality in A audácia dessa mulher, by Ana Maria Machado





Fictionality, Narrator, Ana Maria Machado, A audácia dessa mulher


The recovery of the past through narrative language as well as the problematization of the literary creation process are recurring themes in Ana Maria Machado’s novels that instigate the debate on the border between the real and the imaginary, fiction and reality, memory and imagination, truth and lies. This work intends to analyze the novel A audácia dessa mulher regarding the narrative procedures that we take into account as signs of fictionality present in the novel. Based on these occurrences, the notions of referentiality, mimesis, narrative motivation, verisimilitude and fictional truth are discussed. Special focus will be placed on the narrator’s analysis. In the elaboration of our work, we have the support of theoretical texts by Mieke Bal and Michael Riffaterre that address the issue of fictionality in narrative texts.


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Author Biography

Majda Bojić, Universidade de Zagreb (UniZG), Zagreb, Croácia.

Doutora em Literatura comparada pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade de Zagreb (UniZG), em Zagreb Croácia. Professora da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade de Zagreb (UniZG), em Zagreb, Croácia.


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How to Cite

Bojić, M. (2022). “Nessas águas moventes onde se cruzam ficção e realidade”: On Fictionality in A audácia dessa mulher, by Ana Maria Machado. Navegações, 15(1), e42979. https://doi.org/10.15448/1983-4276.2022.1.42979