The configurations of love in Leodegária de Jesus’ poetry
Leodegária de Jesus, Love figurations, Female Authored LiteratureAbstract
The literature history in Goiás is marked by the significant presence of female authors who did not produce on a large scale, however, registered their legacy in literature, thus contributing to the expansion of versions of the world. Among poetesses, Leodegária de Jesus stands out on stage with the literary works Corôa de Lyrios and Orchideas – the only published productions, which for a long time were forgotten, but became a reference in 20th century literature. This essay aims to highlight, in selected poetry, how love is represented and how the aesthetics of different literary periods were mixed and arranged in Leodegária’s works. Lastly, the objective is also to rescue the importance of Leodegaria de Jesus as a precursor of women’s literature in Goiás.
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