The countryside and the city in Angola, the periphery and the south side in Rio de Janeiro
The construction of space in João Melo’s “O feto” and Aníbal Machado’s “Monólogo de Tuquinha Batista”
Portuguese-language literatures, João Melo, Aníbal Machado, Space, SubjectivityAbstract
In this paper, we analyze the construction of space in two short stories from the Portuguese-language literatures: “O feto”, by the Angolan author João Melo, and “Monólogo de Tuquinha Batista”, by the Brazilian author Aníbal Machado. More specifically, we focus on how are aesthetically composed the Angolan countryside and city, in the first case, and Rio de Janeiro city’s periphery and south side, in the second one. We suppose that the members of each pair of spaces reveal themselves as entirely opposite to one another: on the one hand, the Angolan countryside as well as Rio’s periphery would be considered with absolutely positive eyes by the narrators of each text; on the other, the Angolan city as well as Rio’s south side would be regarded with a completely negative disposition by the same characters. In order to verify whether this hypothesis is true or not, we adopt, as an analytical concept, the notion of space as focalization, point of view, or perspective, and emphasize, as analytical principles, the condition of the protagonists of each narrative as literary individuals as well as the aesthetic nature of the four spaces highlighted in this study.
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