You could round your mouth and blow truths, either way, I would not trust

Narrative unreliability in Oz, by Mafalda Ivo Cruz




Mafalda Ivo Cruz, Narrator, Narrative perspective, Unreliable narration


Author of powerful and little-treated work, the Portuguese Mafalda Ivo Cruz has a writing often considered hermetic due to its fragmentation, non-linearity and diversity of voices, often presented in a chaotic way and associated with a spatiotemporal rupture. In Oz (2006), these characteristics are at the service of a narrative that deals with the arrest of an artist – Oz – for the sexual abuse of his neighbor. The justice of incarceration calls into question, and the narrative is based on that doubt. To do so, Cruz uses a text composed of different perspectives and narrative voices, so that the faults of a character’s memory and the missing points are filled by others, forming a cohesive whole. However, it does not necessarily mean clarity, on the contrary: we have to try, alone, to organize the chaos we are placed in. Resolving the motto of the narrative thus, ends up surpassing the simple discovery of the culprit, mainly because we are guided in this investigation by voices that we do not know are reliable – including, in fact, a possible criminal. As a result, the aesthetic network in which Cruz entangles us ends up proving to be much more important than the resolution of the criminal investigation.


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Author Biography

Samla Borges Canilha, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Mestra em Teoria da Literatura pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil; bacharela em Letras – Português/Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), em Santa Maria, RS, Brasil; doutoranda em Teoria da Literatura na PUCRS, com bolsa de financiamento do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Integrante do grupo de pesquisa Cartografias Narrativas em Língua Portuguesa: redes e enredos de subjetividade.


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IZQUIERDO, Iván. Memória. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2002.

REMÉDIOS, Maria Luíza Ritzel. Vermelho, de Mafalda Ivo Cruz, romance pósmoderno? In: REMÉDIOS, Maria Luíza Ritzel; BORDINI, Maria da Glória; ZILBERMAN, Regina (Org.). Identidades fraturadas: ensaios sobre literatura portuguesa. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. p.75-82.

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How to Cite

Canilha, S. B. (2021). You could round your mouth and blow truths, either way, I would not trust: Narrative unreliability in Oz, by Mafalda Ivo Cruz. Navegações, 14(2), e40885.


