The autranian poetic making in the fictional universe of Ópera dos mortos
Autran Dourado, Baroque, Geek tragedy, Parabolic narratorAbstract
This article is part of the objective of investigating Autran Dourado's poetic making, in his novel The Opera of the Dead, from 1967. The intriguing relationship established between the members of the two-story house, created from the autran fictionist universe, results in the ambivalent behaviour of the protagonist, Rosalina. This one, has its tragic ending already foreshadowed, as well as the whole Honório Cota clan, demonstrating that it is impossible to cheat fate. Autran Dourado adds the Machadian technique of the parabatic narrator, to what he calls the false third person, to structure a novel that allies the tragic tradition. This plot, which was inspired by dramaturgy, relies on the Baroque aesthetics to make the architecture of the two-story house and temperamental composition of its characters.
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