The tragic dimension of indianism

The sublime in Gonçalves Dias’ poetry




Sublime, Romanticism, Indianism, Gonçalves Dias


This paper advances an aesthetic approach of brazilian romanticism. We have been demonstrating that the sublime is a fundamental component not only in the establishment of European romantic movements but also in the development of its manifestation in Brazil. With that in mind, this essay aims at analyzing Gonçalves Dias’ Indianism, with the intention to demonstrate that the poet exposed a more obscure facet of Brazilian Indianism, especially if compared to the work of José de Alencar, and, in order to do so, employed a wide range of key elements of the aesthetics of the sublime.


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Author Biography

João Pedro Bellas, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, RJ, Brasil.

Mestre em Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Brasileira pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), em Niterói, RJ, Brasil; doutorando em Literatura Comparada pela mesma universidade e membro do grupo de pesquisa Estudos do Gótico (CNPq), coordenado pelo prof. dr. Júlio França.


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How to Cite

Bellas, J. P. (2021). The tragic dimension of indianism: The sublime in Gonçalves Dias’ poetry. Navegações, 14(1), e37067.


