Eliete in the net: the art of reinventing daily life in the social media age
Social networks. Communication technologies. Network society. Power and society. Portuguese language literature.Abstract
This article explores the role of new communication technologies, especially social networks, and its pervasive presence in the life of Eliete, the central character who gives name to the new novel of Dulce Maria Cardoso, with the profound transformations of interpersonal relations and visions of the world that they sometimes promote, sometimes reveal. The exercise of control and vigilance over others and of oneself, the transformation of the space-time relationship in the context of this new network society, and the undeniable and compelling reality of the virtual in the modern world are some of the issues that arise. In this scenario, a new balance of forces is constructed, which is revealed little by little, as we accompany Eliete in the banality of ordinary days.Downloads
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