Where the dead survive: mythical traits in Ópera dos mortos, by Autran Dourado
Brazilian literature. Ópera dos Mortos. Myth.Abstract
This article aims to show how characters as Lucas Procópio, João Capistrano, Rosalina and Juca Passarinho, from Ópera dos mortos, by Autran Dourado, are consisted of remarkable mythical traits with systematic recurrence. For this purpose, a theoretical support based on Boudrot (2017), Campbell (1997), Cassirer (1985) and Eliade (1998) was used in order to approach the relation between myth and literature; on Candido (2010), (2011), Lukács (2009), Watt (2010) and Holanda (1995) in order to develop the close bond involving fictional characters, novel and society; and on Lepecki (1976) and Segalla (2017) in order to enhance some theoretical dimensions of this analysis. From the results obtained, the magnitude of Autran Dourado’s novel becomes evident, as well as the plurality of narrative paths (and narrative resources) that insure the presence of myths in literary art until the present day, also being important elements to the structural complexity of the novelistic genre.Downloads
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