Allan and Karbowski on the quasi-mathematical method in the Eudemian Ethics
Ancient Ethics, Aristotle, Method.Resumo
This paper’s aim is to consider the I 6 methodological prescription and its relationship with Allan’s quasi-mathematical method theory, which aims at bringing Aristotle closer to an Euclidean model. I will also consider Karbowski’s objections to Allan and his own thesis, which holds that it is possible to treat book II in accordance with prescription I 6, always going through the vaguest opinions and definitions first only then to the most accurate.
ALLAN, D.J. “Quasi-mathematical method in the Eudemian Ethics”. In: MANSION. Aristote et les problèmes de méthode, 1980, pp. 304-318.
ARISTOTE. Éthique à Eudème. Introduction, text grec, traduction, notes, bibliographie et index par Catherine Dalimier. Paris: Flammarion, 2013.
ARISTOTELIS. Ethica Eudemia. R. R. Walzer, J. M. Mingay. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
ARISTOTLE. Eudemian Ethics – Books I, II, and VIII. Translated with a commentary by MichaelWoods. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
ARISTOTLE. Eudemian Ethics. Translated and edited by Brad Inwood and Raphael Woolf. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
ARISTOTLE. The Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by David Ross. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
KARBOWISK, J. Is Aristotle Eudemian Ethics Quasi-matematical? In: Apeiron, v 1, p.1-19, 2014.
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