Notes on law in Thomas Aquinas
God, political power and aristotelism
Aristotle, Politics, Theology, Thomas AquinasAbstract
Starting from the thomist reading of Aristotle’s politics, considering the concepts of “city” and “citizen”, the intention of this text is to approach the way in which Thomas Aquinas defends that laws make the individuals of a community absolutely good and that the purpose of these laws is the common good. The first part studies what is rational about a law, since it is through laws that actions are carried out or prevented according to their purpose, which is the good of the city. The second part corresponds to how Thomas Aquinas supports the hypothesis that there is human law and eternal law, taking into account the mentioned medieval author’s own political system. The conclusion is that the organization and the enactment of laws in the city, with the purpose of making individuals good, enable the common good through the fulfillment of each law with this purpose in mind.
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