Posible aditions from Critical Theory for law studies as source of the social order
Approaches about an general idea of liberty
Philosophy of Law, Theory of Law, Critical Theory, Order, FreedomAbstract
This manuscript aims to establish an parallel between the philosophical thought known as Critical Theory and the law as social order’s foundation, once are noted some criteria as liberty and justice. The challenge consists, properly, on establish some convergence points between philosophical movements that are so distinct, once that the Critical Theory does not resemble that much to the antianarchist character provided by the emphasis on the law as turning point on the social order. It was pointed some fundamental concepts from Critical Theory, being cited various authors that contribute to the studies referring to justice. At the end, this article concludes for the enormous relevance of the Critical Theory as an colaborator to the study of the law, specially by the perception that even this philosophical movement demands an minimum order parameter that allows his own development.
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