The search for indigenous people’s identity in The Debate of Valladolid
Identity. Idolatry. Rational Capacity.Abstract
The aim of this article is to illustrate how the process led by the Dominican Bartolomé de Las Casas and the royal chronicler Juan Ginés de Sepulveda, in the 16th Century, known as The Debate of Valladolid, had as its main goal to define what was the real identity of the peoples of the New World. The philosophic method that will be used for realizing this proposal will be the evaluation, analysis, and comparison of the arguments presented by both authors in the perspective of the political context in which this discussion happened. In the end, we will try to reveal what is the indigenous people’s identity according to these authors following the criteria of idolatry and rational capacity, and to show how such conditions can allow or prohibit war as a method of conquest and conversion.
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