The vis viva controversy and the first work of Kant:in the border between metaphysics and science




Kant. Metaphysics. Physics. Living Forces.


The present paper aims to offer an introductory approach of Immanuel Kant’s first work, namely, the Thoughts on the true estimation of living forces, published in 1749. In a first moment, it tries to understand Kant’s possible motivations when publishing this work in vernacular language (even in middle of financial difficulties), from the ambience of the University of Königsberg. Next, it refers briefly to the historical-philosophical context of the controversy about living forces, which basically consisted of a difference between Cartesians and Leibnizians regarding the measurement of the force of a moving body. Finally, it presents Kant’s position in the debate, as it is presented in the mentioned work, evaluating it in its scientific, metaphysical and methodological aspects. The central thesis is that, although Kant’s first work presents gaps with regard the scientific knowledge of his time, he offers interesting contributions to the understanding of the author’s philosophical development.



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Author Biography

Elton Cândido Ribeiro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de são Paulo

Bacharel em teologia (CESJF/MG). Mestre em filosofia pela PUC-SP. Doutorando em filosofia pela mesma instituição. Bolsista da CAPES.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, E. C. (2019). The vis viva controversy and the first work of Kant:in the border between metaphysics and science. Intuitio, 12(2), e32506.