A study of black slavery in the first tome of the Thesaurus Indicus by Diego de Avendaño (1594-1698): is he a theorist contrary to trade or slavery?





Didadicus de Avendaño, black slavery, trade, safe conscience.


In the present text we attempt to highlight a few points in Avendaño’s argumentation that allow us to consider that the personal Jesuit position would be contrary to the trafficking and trade of Ethiopian slaves that was done at the time, especially if we look at the criticisms he made against the authorities of his time. However, we will hold on that Avendaño did not condemn the institution of slavery as such, accepting certain fair titles of slavery, like other authors of his time. We propose the following path: first, Avendaño’s analysis of the Molina and Sánchez positions; and second, Avendaño’s own arguments on the subject. We will use the first volume of the Thesaurus Indicus, in particular: Title IX, ch. XII, § 8; where the author discusses the trade issue of Ethiopian slaves, text quoted in the secondary literature as essential to the treatment of black slavery.


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Author Biography

Lucas Duarte Silva, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel

Doutor em Filosofia pela Pontíficia Universidade Católica do Rio Grade do Sul. Professor Formador no curso de Filosofia a Distância da Universidade Federal de Pelotas com bolsa CAPES.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. D. (2019). A study of black slavery in the first tome of the Thesaurus Indicus by Diego de Avendaño (1594-1698): is he a theorist contrary to trade or slavery?. Intuitio, 12(1), e32184. https://doi.org/10.15448/1983-4012.2019.1.32184