On the sense of humanism in Martin Heidegger


  • Neusa Rudek Onate UNIOESTE - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná




Humanism, Heidegger, Metaphysics.


The aim is to analyze the concept of "humanism" in Martin Heidegger's letter to Jean Beaufret entitled Letter on Humanism (1946). Through Heidegger's exposition of thought and conceptual-argumentative framework in this letter, the analysis will consist in determining the broader sense of Heidegger's approach to humanism within the context of the history of metaphysics, as well as the more radical sense proposed by the philosopher a deeper understanding of its significance, abandoning the traditional understanding of humanism that goes back to an ontic sense of human existence.


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Author Biography

Neusa Rudek Onate, UNIOESTE - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Mestranda em filosofia pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Linha de Pesquisa Metafísica e Conhecimento.


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How to Cite

Onate, N. R. (2018). On the sense of humanism in Martin Heidegger. Intuitio, 11(2), 87–100. https://doi.org/10.15448/1983-4012.2018.2.24420