Augustine of Hippo

Congruence, the Dynamics of Beauty




Augustine of Hippo, beauty, consonance, happiness, corporeality


This paper focuses on Augustine’s conception of beauty stemming from the dynamic relationship between three core elements: congruence, desire and happiness This analysis highlights two stages in the development of the Augustinian theory of beauty. The first stage is characterized by Augustine’s commitment to an intellectualist conception of beauty and happiness. The second one shows how Augustine, faced with the problem of the vision of God in patria, integrates corporeality into the enjoyment that the blessed will have of beauty and the supreme good. The conclusion highlights the value given to the human body in the enjoyment of happiness in Augustine’s last doctrine of beauty as well as the idea of congruence that underlies it.


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Author Biography

Paula Oliveira e Silva, Universidade do Porto (UP); Instituto de Filosofia (IF-UP), Porto, Portugal.

Doutora em Filosofia pela Universidade de Lisboa (UL), em Lisboa, Portugal. Professora Auxiliar no Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (UP), no Porto, Portugal. 


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How to Cite

Silva, P. O. e. (2022). Augustine of Hippo: Congruence, the Dynamics of Beauty. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 67(1), e43271.