Christian art, paradox and Postmodernism




Art, Christianity, Ugliness, Postmodernism


The history of Western art is the history of Christian art. Christianity has provided the distinguishing marks of European and Western art for two millennia: images, motifs, symbols, technics and personages. However, the deepest roots of Christian art aren’t exposed; its very nature and its most legitimate drives are ignored, even by the confessional public. The unavoidable outcome from that is the periodical outburst of polemics and misunderstandings. This paper aims to demonstrate that Christian art has never been refractory to aesthetical paradoxes and that, besides, the transcultural elements and technics of postmodern art have been borne along a process that was aesthetically and philosophically mostly a Christian one.


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How to Cite

da Rosa, R. A. (2021). Christian art, paradox and Postmodernism. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 66(1), e39063.


