About the Face and the expression. The Edenic time as revolutionary


  • Emmanuel Taub CONICET




Expression, Face, God, Levinas, Revelation


From the biblical text to the Jewish Philosophy of the Twentieth Century, from Walter Benjamin and Emmanuel Levinas to the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and Giorgio Agamben, from Rilke’s poetry to the poetry of Paul Valéry, the problem of Face, expression and language have been a central topic of Jewish Thought. Among these problems, the discussion of sacred time and profane time becomes the place to think about the problem of Revelation. The main objective of this article is to analyze the Revelation from the perspective of Jewish Thought in relation to the language and problem of the divine Face. It will focus on this, by exploring the philosophy of Levinas and its connection with the biblical text, opening from there the reflection towards other authors in a friendly dialogue.



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AGAMBEN, (Giorgio), Medios sin fin, tran. Antonio Gimeno Cuspinera, Valencia, Pre-Textos, 2001.

AGAMBEN (Giorgio), Lo abierto. El hombre y el animal, tran. Antonio Gimeno Cuspinera, Valencia, Pre-Textos, Valencia, 2005.

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BENJAMIN (Walter), “Experiencia y pobreza”, in Obras. Libro II / Vol. 1, Spanish Edition from Juan Barja, Félix Duque and Fernando Guerrero, Madrid, Abada, 2007.

CONRAD (Joseph), “Mañana”, Amy Foster y otros relatos, tran. Hernán Valencia, Goelkel, Buenos Aires, Punto de Lectura, 2007.

HEIDEGGER (Martin), Parménides, tran. Carlos Másmela, Madrid, Akal, 2005, p. 176.

LEVINAS (Emmanuel), De otro modo que ser o más allá de la esencia, tran. Antonio Pintor Ramos, Salamanca, Sígueme, 2003.

LEVINAS (Emmanuel), Difícil libertad. Ensayos sobre el judaísmo, tran. Manuel Mauer, Buenos Aires, Lilmod, 2004.

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LEVINAS (Emmanuel), Humanismo del otro hombre, tran. Daniel Enrique Guillot, México, Siglo XXI, 2001.

LEVINAS (Emmanuel), Fuera del sujeto, tran. Roberto Ranz Torrejón and Cristina Jarillot Rodal, Madrid, Caparrós Editores, 2002.

LEVINAS (Emmanuel), Totalidad e Infinito. Ensayo sobre la exterioridad, tran. Daniel E. Guillot, Salamanca, Sígueme, 2006.

Torat Emet (Bilingual edition), translated and edited Rabino Reuven Sigal, Buenos Aires, Editorial Keter Torá, 2007.

VALÉRY (Paul), Diálogo del Árbol, tran. Rodolfo Alonso, Córdoba, Ediciones del Copista, 2004.

VALÉRY (Paul), Monsieur Teste, tran. José Luis Arántegui, Madrid, Visor, 1999.

VALÉRY (Paul), Poemas, tran. Carlos R. de Dampierre, Madrid, Visor, 1996.

VALÉRY (Paul), Política del espíritu, tran. Ángel J. Battistessa, Buenos Aires, Losada, 1997.

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How to Cite

Taub, E. (2018). About the Face and the expression. The Edenic time as revolutionary. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 63(1), 52–71. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2018.1.29658



Dossier -Jewish Philosophy