Plato or Platonism. A topic in descending dialectic


  • Eduardo Luft Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Plato, Platonism, Hegel, dialectical ontology, network ontology.


Dialectical ontology can be reconstructed following two complementary paths1. The ascending path (anabasis) begins with the influence of Plato’s ontology through Nicholas of Cusa on Bertalanffy2, the founder of systems theory. Converging with Darwinism, this theoretical approach will give rise to the more refined version of the complex adaptive systems theory, and will ultimately spread out through the different sciences, converting from a regional ontology (ontology of biology) into a major part of a new general ontology (theory of being as being, that obviously should not be understood here as a merely formal ontology3). The descending path (katabasis), the eminently philosophical one, also has two branches which ultimately converge: on the one hand it leads from Plato’s theory of ideas to German idealism and seeks to establish itself by immanent critique of Hegel’s system (a topic that has for a long time been my main occupation4); the second branch of this descending dialectic is the subject of this essay, namely, the investigation of the decisive role of self-critical development of Plato’s philosophy in the project of a deflationary relational ontology or, simply, a network ontology.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Luft, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutor em Filosofia PUCRS/Heidelberg (1999), com Pós-Doutorado pela Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (2010), é professor adjunto da PUCRS, co-autor de "Criança pensa" (Record: 2009) e autor de "Sobre a coerência do mundo" (Civilização Brasileira: 2005), "As sementes da dúvida" (Mandarim: 2001) e "Para uma crítica interna ao sistema de Hegel" (Edipucrs: 1995). Desenvolve uma abordagem dialética em filosofia sistemática e é líder do Grupo de Pesquisa "Filosofia sistemática: dialética e filosofia do direito", registrado no CNPQ. Tópicos específicos de interesse: dialética, ontologia deflacionária, teoria dos sistemas adaptativos complexos, ética objetiva, idealismo alemão (ênfase em Hegel), racionalismo crítico (Popper, Albert).


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How to Cite

Luft, E. (2017). Plato or Platonism. A topic in descending dialectic. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 62(2), 407–427.

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