(De)Constructing the neoliberal subject with Foucault


  • Marta Nunes da Costa UFMS




Foucault, freedom, neoliberalism, resistance, subjectivity.


What is the neoliberal subject? Who is s/he? How does s/he become what it is or appears to be? What could it be the transformation of this subject into another? The goal of this article is to answer these questions having Foucault as principal interlocutor. This article has three sections. In the first section, I reconstruct the Foucauldian conceptual horizon in order to characterize the conditions where subjectivity becomes a question. In the second section, I aim at identifying the
elements that allows us to characterize today’s neoliberal subject: a subject that assimilates and incorporates in his own construction the values and ideologies of the market. Finally, I identify the Foucauldian elements that should be kept in order to transform the neoliberal subject into an-Other, trying to imagine what kind of subjectivity can one build today.


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Author Biography

Marta Nunes da Costa, UFMS

Doutorada em Ciência Política pela New School for Social Research, NY 

Professora Adjunta de Filosofia da UFMS

áreas de concentração: ética, filosofia política, teorias democráticas, feminismo. 


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How to Cite

da Costa, M. N. (2017). (De)Constructing the neoliberal subject with Foucault. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 62(2), 354–376. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2017.2.27378