Materialism and Dialectics without Aufhebung: Adorno's reading of Marx and Marx's reading of Hegel


  • Vladimir P. Safatle USP



Synthesis. Aufhebung. Negative Dialectic. Marx, Adorno, Hegel. Materialism.


This article aims to discuss the models of synthesis presupposed by adornian negative dialectic. For it, we should evaluate the meaning of the close relations between Adorno and some themes from Karl Marx’s philosophy. With this strategy in mind we can better qualify the materialistic nature of adornian negative dialectic, exposing through it the political impact of some conceptual productions.


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How to Cite

Safatle, V. P. (2017). Materialism and Dialectics without Aufhebung: Adorno’s reading of Marx and Marx’s reading of Hegel. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 62(1), 226–256.



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