The function of the mathematical syllogism in Hegel’s Science of Logic


  • Federico Orsini Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Concept, Syllogism, Circle, Mathematics, Logic


The specific aim of the present article is to explain why the fourth figure of syllogism of being there (Schluß des Daseins) in the doctrine of the concept of Hegel’s Science of Logic is called “mathematical syllogism”. For that purpose, I will proceed in three main steps. In the first place, I will clarify the conception of syllogism on the base of which the import and the limit of the mathematical syllogism should be evaluated. In the second place, I will present a translation and an analytic commentary of Hegel’s text concerning the mathematical syllogism, trying to make explicit the necessity of reducing the qualitative syllogism to the quantitative one. In the third place, I will show that mathematics, to be sure,  constitutes a legitimate domain of knowledge generated by the fourth figure, but precisely the delimitation of this domain compels the critique of any mathematical or symbolic formalization of the dialectical logic.


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How to Cite

Orsini, F. (2017). The function of the mathematical syllogism in Hegel’s Science of Logic. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 62(1), 203–225.



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