Symptoms and Loss of Body


  • Claudia Murta PPGFIL UFES



Body. Trauma. Symptom. Lacan. Descartes


The symptom as body event is a proposition from Jacques Lacan stemming from the later years of his teaching, which deals with the effects of language-based trauma on the body. These effects appear as bodily suffering or aching and are named affects or passions. The resonance with René Descartes’s thinking is obvious in the context of the Lacanian elaboration of the symptom as a body event. It is grounded in the distinction between having and being a body. As such, it is an ontogenetic question on the ambiguity of the body in Descartes and Lacan: the body object – “having a body” – and the body as a resignification of the presence of being-in-the-world. To develop this idea, we analyze Daniel Pennac’s literary text, “Jornal of a Body”.


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How to Cite

Murta, C. (2015). Symptoms and Loss of Body. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 59(2), 304–314.



Sistema e Ontologia na Filosofia Francesa Contemporânea (II)