Narrative discourse and historical present in Paul Ricoeur


  • Ivanhoé Albuquerque Leal Universidade Federa do Ceará/UFC, Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg II



Experiences. Expectations. History of efficiency. Being-in-common and Initiative.


We analyzed one of the main theses of Paul Ricoeur’s narrative theory which concedes to historical discourse the ability of setting up the human temporal experience, always exposed to crossed perspective plot between the expectation of the future, the past reception and the experience of the present. Due to the multiplicity of time, Ricoeur’s argumentative guidelines indicate the narrative act as the condition of both thinking the effectiveness of human actions and its historical reconstruction, as of forging an own plural unit to a hermeneutic consciousness.


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Author Biography

Ivanhoé Albuquerque Leal, Universidade Federa do Ceará/UFC, Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg II

Doutor em Filosofia pela Université Marc Bloch, Strasborug II, França; Professor associado da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), vinculado ao Programa de Graduação e Pós-Graduação em Filosofia; possui experiência em hermenêutica, fenomenologia, teoria do conhecimento, estética e tem interesse pelos seguintes temas: teoria da história, filosofia da ação e ciências cognitivas.


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How to Cite

Leal, I. A. (2016). Narrative discourse and historical present in Paul Ricoeur. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 61(1), 50–61.



Ética Normativa, Metaética e Filosofia Política