Clerical celebrization and theology of frivolization

a pastoral communicational analysis of digital religious influence




clerical celebrification, theology of frivolization, religious digital influence, digital influencers of faith


The article analyzes the digital performance of Father Patrick Fernandes, who went from being a mere “country priest” from the interior of Pará, in Brazil, to a “digital macro-influencer”, reaching millions of followers on Instagram in just a few weeks throughout 2021. The text tries to point out the main socio-ecclesial causes and consequences of this process. Firstly, some theoretical elements are presented about the phenomenon of digital influence, particularly religious influence. Then, the person/persona, digital performance, and content of the priest are analyzed in order to understand how his communicative practices emerged and manifested themselves. Next, some pastoral communicational reflections on Father Patrick’s digital influence are articulated. In conclusion, the paper seeks to understand some limits and possibilities of Catholic digital influence for contemporary ecclesiastical praxis.


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Author Biography

Moisés Sbardelotto, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.

Professor at PUC Minas, working in the Professional Postgraduate Program in Practical Theology (PPGPTP) and in the Postgraduate Program in Religious Sciences (PPGCR). Master and PhD in Communication Sciences from UNISINOS, with a doctoral research internship at the Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, and a post-doctoral research internship in Communication Sciences at UNISINOS and in Religious Sciences at PUC Minas. Bachelor in Social Communication – Journalism from UFRGS. Coordinator of the CNBB Communication Reflection Group and collaborator at the Humanitas Unisinos Institute (IHU). He is also a member of the international and interdisciplinary working group on artificial intelligence of the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council (CELAM).


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Dossier - Catholic Digital Influencers