A synodal practice

A way of being church since the origins of the CEBs





CEBs, Synodality, Church of the Poor, Community Pastoral Council.


The article deals with the synodal practice in the CEBs. Synodality is a virtue present since the beginning of CEBs. These emerged, in the 60s, with a transformative practice, that is, “being and doing together”, synodal “from the ground up” and baptismal identity. Since 1975, CEBs pastoral agents and leaders have held InterChurch Meetings. There are 15 InterChurch Meetings, which are prepared from the ground up, from groups and Communities, culminating in a large national Meeting, the current one taking place in Rondonópolis (MT), from 18 to 22.7.2023. In CEBs, there is an awareness that the life of Jesus of Nazareth was and is close to the excluded, the last in society, yesterday and today. In these communities, the centrality and option for the God of the poor is necessary and indispensable, with an inductive way of being and doing: starting from the context marked by injustice, from the inspiring Theology, that of the Liberating God, in an action committed to the practice of synodality and the guiding role of the “powerless empowered” and the way of exercising power together, in na important organizational instrument that is the Community Pastoral Council.


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Author Biography

Wilson Dallagnol, Escola de Teologia Franciscana (ESTEF), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Born on 5/29/1956, in Ibiraiaras (RS), Capuchin friar (1981), ordained priest on 1/17/1987; studied Philosophy at UCS (Caxias do Sul – 1978-1979) and Theology at PUC-RS (Porto Alegre – 1981-1982 and 1985-1986); Master's degree in Systematic Theology (1997-1999). Pastoral internship, São Francisco das Chagas Parish (Barra/BA, 1983-1984); coordination of CPT-RS (1987-1991 and 2008-2021); member of the Provincial Council of Capuchin Friars of RS (1990-1996); doctorate in Dogmatic Theology, from the Pontifical Gregorian University, in Rome (Italy), in 2005. He has written some books and magazine articles in the area of ​​Pastoral Theology, Social Teaching of the Church and Ecclesiology.


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Dossiê - Comunidades Eclesiais Missionárias