Love, Sharing and Solidarity

An exegetical reading of 1Cor 11,17-34




Lord’s Supper, Memory, Solidarity, Sharing.


In this research, some of the theological and sociological problems that the apostle Paul had to deal with in the community of Corinth will be addressed. The liturgical meetings in which the Lord’s Supper was celebrated, far from being a moment of fraternity, solidarity and fraternization, they ended up becoming a moment of exacerbated individualism, self-centred attitudes, as well as contempt of the rich towards the poor, contrary to what should be the ideal of a Christian celebration of the memory of the Lord. This article deals with a conflicting relationship between the apostle Paul and the community of Corinth, which underlies the text of 1Cor 11,17-34. It aims to discuss the meaning of the Lord’s Supper within the primitive community. It makes use of exegetical steps and operates with a bibliographic review exercise.


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Author Biographies

Manoel da Silva Andrade, Mestre em Teologia na área de Bíblia pelas Faculdades EST (2019); doutorando em Teologia na área de Tradições e Escrituras Sagradas

Master in Theology in the area of ​​Bible from Faculdades EST (2019); PhD candidate in Theology in the area of ​​Traditions and Sacred Scriptures

Flávio Schmitt, Doutor em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP), professor na Faculdades EST em São Leopoldo/RS.

PhD in Religious Sciences from Methodist University of São Paulo (UMESP), professor at Faculdades EST in São Leopoldo/RS.



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