Opus Dei and opus homini

The liturgy as a place of encounter between God and man





Liturgical celebration, Liturgy and encounter, Benedict XVI, Romano Guardini


This article deals with the question of the liturgy understood as the work of God and the work of man, of the relationship between the two actors in the liturgical celebration. The article seeks, with the help of the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium on the Sacred Liturgy, of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, to present the relationship and encounter between God and man in the context of the liturgical celebration. The reflection is aided by magisterial texts by recent Pontiffs and by some theologians and liturgists. The text seeks to reflect on an accurate and healthy relationship between the liturgy as such and the approach of the believing man to this divine-human reality. The proposed reflection points to the need for the liturgical celebration to be the place where man meets God, in the exercise of the priesthood of Christ – opus Dei, and in the exercise of the baptismal priesthood – opus homini.


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Author Biography

Rafhael Silva Maciel, Pontifício Instituto Litúrgico de Santo Anselmo (PIL), Roma, Itália.

Mestre em Sagrada Liturgia pelo Pontifício Instituto Litúrgico Santo Anselmo (PIL), em Roma, Itália; doutorando em Sagrada Liturgia pelo Pontifício Instituto Litúrgico Santo Anselmo (PIL), em Roma, Itália; professor da Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF), em Fortaleza, CE, Brasil.


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