The formation of moral conscience through a culture of meeting

A way for the formation of youth




Encounter, Formation of Conscience, Youth, Romano Guardini, Alfonso López Quintás, Pope Francis


This article aims to present the encounter as a fundamental reality for the formation of moral conscience of youth, putting Romano Guardini, Alfonso López Quintás and Pope Francis into dialogue. The first point is a reflection on the category of encounter, its meaning and the sense of life, a relation of which Quintás is the most outstanding contemporary author and, at the withal, Francis is the one who has proclaimed it to the world. In the second point, we reflect on the moral conscience understood from the reality of the encounter with the help of Guardini and Francis’s thoughts. The last point indicates how the formation of moral conscience from the encounter has the ability to help adolescents and young people in the formation of a conscience for the good, in which the discovery and acceptance of values that help them to come out of self-reference and discover a sense of life.


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Author Biography

Talis Pagot, Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana (PUG), Roma, RM, Itália.

Mestre e doutorando em Teologia Moral pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana (PUG), em Roma, RM, Itália; Padre da Arquidiocese de Porto Alegre, graduado em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.



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Juventude e Contemporaneidade – Experiência Humana, Comunitária E Pastoral