To participate in God’s Holiness




Holiness. Witness. Discernment.


The article focuses on the call to holiness according to Christianity following the exhortation of Francis, a call addressed to the whole Church. It examines how the history of ideas, philosophy, and theology use the concept of saint and holiness, focusing especially on the saint’s figure as a witness. It then looks at the reality of Latin America, examining how some contextual theologies perceive the presence of primordial holiness, prior to all definition and appropriation even by the Church. It further reflects how holiness has a Christ configuration that seeks to achieve closeness and resemblance to Jesus Christ. In this sense, it examines the options that Pope Francis recommends as a way to access this identification with the Lord. Finally, it focuses on the category the Pope favors as a way to respond to the call to holiness: discernment.


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Author Biography

Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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Dossier: Holiness and Public Responsibility