The Acceptance of Man by God: The Doctrine of Justification of John Duns Scotus with a View to Martin Luther


  • Ludger Honnefelder Universität Bonn, Institut für Wissenschaft und Ethik. Bonn



John Duns Scotus. Martin Luther. Justification. Grace. Divine acceptance. Contingency.


In the history of theology previous to Martin Luther’s times, it is above all in the Franciscan School that we find a new approach towards an understanding of God’s salvific activity. John Duns Scotus (1265/1266-1308) was the Franciscan thinker that gave special attention and, thus, proposed a new conceptual structure to the theological doctrines of salvation and grace. In this study, there is the attempt of showing possible links between Scotus’s and Martin Luther’s approach, in the 16th century. Luther offers an interpretation of God’s activity of salvation as justification of the sinner through grace alone, whereas Scotus, a little bit more than two centuries before, and under the presupposition of his view of God as a rational and volitional infinite being and as contingent Creator, understands that activity as the acceptance of the sinner through God’s mercy alone.


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