Santity and public responsibility: a vision from the Patristic anda Gaudete et exsultate




Sanctity. Responsibility. Testimony. Heresies. Discernment.


The research aims to propose an approach on Santity and Public Responsibility, a vision from the Patristic and Gaudete et exsultate. The text is divided into three parts: the first part presents the testimony of sanctity of the seven Romanian bishops of the Greco-Catholic Church, died in odium fidei in several places of Rumania during the years 1950-1970 for resisting Marxist, Leninist and Stalinist ideologies. The second part offers an approach on sanctity and public responsibility with repercussions on the life of the Church and the refutation of heresies based on the experience of the great Fathers of the Church and ascetics of the desert. The third part presents reflections on the dynamism of sanctity in Christian life and its reflection in society. Finally, the zeal of great figures highlights. Figures who have achieved a profound influence on the reform of the Church with repercussions on the ecclesial life and society of the time.


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Author Biography

Maria Rodica Tutas, Faculdade Católica de Teologia da Arquidiocese de Belém, Pará

Romena, monja eremita e missionária. Teologa e iconógrafa. Possui Doutorado em Ciências Eclesiásticas Orientais pelo Pontifício Instituto Oriental de Roma (2010). Pós-doutora em Arte Sacra pela FAJE de Belo Horizonte (2018). Atualmente leciona como professora na Faculdade Católica da Arquidiocese de Belém.


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Dossier: Holiness and Public Responsibility