Sensus Fidei and Laity in the Document “Sensus Fidei in the Church’s Life” of the International Theological Commission (2014)


  • Maurício da Silva Ferreira Universidade Católica de Salvador/Bahia



Sensus fidei. Sensus fidelium. Church. Laity in the Church.


This article deals with the identification of approaches to the laity made by the International Theological Commission in its latest document entitled “Il sensus fidei nella vita della Chiesa”. The document, as such, is not focused on historical and theological debates around the laity, which will be considered in the theological horizon of Vatican II and, more specifically, in the set of reflections on the sensus fidei. This definition, however, does not prevent the International Theological Commission to reaffirm the need for new models and methodologies in relations between laity and Church hierarchy throughout the positioning and ecclesial maturity at the truth of faith. And in this context, resuming the various elements and content referred to the identity and mission of the laity in the Church, particularly in the face of the challenges of proclaiming the Gospel today.


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O sensus fidei e a Igreja