The supernatural apathy and the will to meaning: Pascal and Frankl


  • Carlos Frederico Lauer Garcia PUCRS



Apathy. Meaning of life. Infinite meaning. Suffering. Transcendence. Will to meaning.


In this paper, we present a parallel between Blaise Pascal and Viktor Frankl from the comparison between the finitude of human understanding and the human desire for infinite meaning. In a first moment, we will discuss the term “supernatural apathy” in Pascal. Then, we will present the connection, still in Pascal, between the suffering and the perturbation of this apathy. With regard to Frankl, we will examine firstly the connection between meaning and transcendence, still in the suffering. From then on, we will conclude with the question of a infinite meaning. In the course of the paper, we will propose a dialogue between our authors, mainly from the second part.


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Human and Religious Experience