Titles and themes of 1 Cor 6.12 -20 in the unity of the chapters 5-7


  • Flávio Martinez de Oliveira Universidade Católica de Pelotas


Body. Porneia. The Body of Christ. Temple of the Holy Spirit.


The titles more found in 1 Cor 6.12-20 and in the unity of chapters 5-7 are presented. The proposals of articulation of the pericope in the unit to propose, from such titles and articulation, reading the pericope, the themes that are considered central are exposed. These issues are a proposal of biblical theology to the pericope in its context. This inspires the christian embodied existence, which is the subject of the thesis of the author, where introduces and motivates the exegesis there exposed. The themes chosen in the pericope are porneia and body, sin against the body, the body of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Alternatives mutually excludents are sexual contact with the prostitute, that involves the entire corporal existence, and belonging to the body of Christ, in which we are inserted through the Holy Spirit, of which we are the temple. Christian identity, life style and behavior, theology and ethics are inseparable. These relations were not understood by many corinthians, which Paul has in view. The body is central to the pericope, permeates the entire First Letter to the Corinthians, and is related to the Gospel itself of Paul as theology of the body. Porneia engages the whole person in a stable manner and is one of the problems that place the community in conflict, alongside other controversies known, and related, such as those relating to the charisms, idolatry, and the authority itself of Paul.


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Author Biography

Flávio Martinez de Oliveira, Universidade Católica de Pelotas

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