What is history, the meaning of history and historiography





History, Historiography, Philosophy of history, Philosophy, Western


One of the great problems of the sciences in general, is the constant search for universalizations, generalizations and systematizations of their objects, data, contents and results. Perhaps they are still vestiges or remnants of positivism or the identification with a possible scientism. However, in doing so, the very character, role, meaning and function of science is denied, which is to be provisional, and not permanent or eternal. Even in certain cases, there is the possibility of universalization, generalization and systematization, in which they will also remain open and not closed in themselves. Therefore, this work seeks to examine and reflect on what history is, the meaning of history and historiography by approaches, aspects and instruments of philosophy, sociology, anthropology, philosophy of history, historiography, theory of history, writing history and others. This is so that in this way we may be able to get rid of certain myths, contents and productions of a certain history and universalist historiography. Since, in such a narrative and writing of history, there were many misinterpreted, mythical and generalizing interpretations of the history of the world and of people in general, where Eurocentrism, Europeanism and Westernism took over the presentation and representation of historical and culture of the world, almost an acculturation and homogenization of peoples, cultures and ethnicities, mischaracterizing them in their own narratives and historical processes, all within a “Western historical package and product.” In which the story was placed and reduced to determinisms of different types and modes. Therefore, one of the crucial objectives here is to deconstruct such narratives, perceptions and procedures of sneaky acculturation and ethnocentrism in world history. Therefore, if it is necessary to overcome any and all narrative, writing and historical production that places groups, ethnicities and cultures between superiors and inferiors in historical production and in history, in which the superior groups make history and are the protagonists of it, while the inferior groups are the mere supporting actors in the world, as well as in historical production. This is because its history and production are fields of disputes, conflicts and clashes of ideals. Occurring thus, even by scientific production.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Barboza Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

Mestre profissional em Educação, Gestão e Difusão em Biociências pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Duarte, M. B. (2021). What is history, the meaning of history and historiography. Oficina Do Historiador, 14(1), e38960. https://doi.org/10.15448/2178-3748.2021.1.38960