Levels of foundation of the hegelian philosophical system


  • João Alberto Wohlfart Instituto Superior de Filosofia Berthier




logic Science. System. Idea. history. Spirit.


the article aims to investigate the main levels of foundation as structuring moments of the hegelian philosophical system. In the philosophical context of the commemoration of the two hundred years of publication of the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences, the object of the work is the reconstruction of the structuring moments of passage from one sphere to the other. the text asks about the passage from the Science of logic to the Philosophy of Nature, from the Philosophy of Nature to the Philosophy of the Spirit and from these to the sphere of the Absolute Spirit. the article does not aim at discussing a topic intrinsic to the Science of logic or the Philosophy of the Spirit, but aims at exposing circles of dialectical passage from one sphere to the other as a systematic qualitative self-development. Even of a generic nature, it does not point to the possible substantivity of a part of the system, but to the fundamental relations between circles. the text is permeated by a key interpretive of the hegelian philosophy in the sense that it is not formed by fixed and watertight parts, but is articulated in the perspective of fundamental relations.


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How to Cite

Wohlfart, J. A. (2019). Levels of foundation of the hegelian philosophical system. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 64(1), e27623. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2019.1.27623