About the power of knowledge, or knowledge as power: reflections on the politics of Political Science





Ciencia Política


Reseña de: RAVECCA, Paulo. The politics of political science. Re-writing Latin American experiences. New York: Routledge, 2019. 275 p.


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Author Biography

Marcela Schenck, Universidad de la República, Udelar, Montevidéu.

Doutoranda do Programa Interuniversitario en Estudios de Genero: culturas, sociedades y políticas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanha).


GRAMSCI, Antonio. Selections from the prison notebooks. New York: International Publishers, 2008.

FOUCAULT, Michel. Historia de la sexualidad 1: la voluntad del saber. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno, 1991a.

FOUCAULT, Michel. Saber y verdad. Madrid: Ediciones La Piqueta, 1991b.

MARCUSE, Herbert. One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society. Boston: Beacon Press, 1991.

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. On the genealogy of morals. New York: Vintage Books, 1989.

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Beyond good and evil. London: Penguin Books, 1990.

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. El caminante y su sombra. Madrid: Edimat Libros, 1999.



How to Cite

Schenck, M. (2019). About the power of knowledge, or knowledge as power: reflections on the politics of Political Science. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 19(3), 646–652. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2019.3.34329