Participatory (action) research and disciplinary convergences Reflections based on a study of participatory budgeting in South Brazil


  • Danilo R. Streck Unisinos



Disciplinary converges. Participatory budgeting. Dialogue of knowledges. Disciplines.


The text is built on the premise that social reality – as a phenomenon which is multifaceted and in movement – requires a methodological approach which allows identifying the object of investigation in the tension between its specificity and totality. The concept “disciplinary convergences”, borrowed from Orlando Fals Borda, suggests the encounter of disciplines and non-disciplinary knowledges to understand reality. There is presented a brief historical revision, referring the work of Fals Borda (Colombia), Freire (Brazil) and the Tavistock Institute (England). The perspective of convergence is exemplified with a research project on participatory budgeting in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). In the conclusion it is argued that we are faced with the challenge of developing a new relationship with social reality which, on its turn, implies a new relationship with the diverse loci of knowledge production, and a new relationship of these loci among themselves.


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Author Biography

Danilo R. Streck, Unisinos

Doutor em Fundamentos Filosóficos da Educação pela Rutgers University (New Jersey, EUA) e professor no PPG em Educação da Unisinos, em São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil. Entre suas publicações recentes estão A new social contract in a Latin American education context (Palgrave/McMillan) e Fontes da pedagogia latino-americana: uma antologia (org.) (Autêntica).
A pesquisa contou com apoio do CNPq e da Fapergs



How to Cite

Streck, D. R. (2014). Participatory (action) research and disciplinary convergences Reflections based on a study of participatory budgeting in South Brazil. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 13(3), 477–495.