Towards a decolonial rationality: Ethical-political-epistemological challenges to the modern worldview


  • Adelia Miglievich-Ribeiro UFES



Postmodernity. Postcolonial studies. Decoloniality. Hybridity. Epistemology.


A review of modern epistemologies is a theoretical challenge for understanding the complex world. It is also an ethical and political challenge, as far as it will show the exclusion and silencing of the persons led to the dehumanization, whose knowledge and worldviews were for a long time discredited as legitimate explanations and guiding for their actions. In the text I merge the idea of Boaventura de Sousa Santos concerning the “prudent paradigm of a decent life” with the thesis of Latin American “modernity-coloniality-decoloniality”. Associating the diatopic hermeneutic of Santos with the pluritopic hermeneutic of Mignolo, I emphasize the urgency of a dialogue between the distinct cultural spheres, advocated by the South, as well as the urgency of decolonizing actions of the subalternities with an emphasis on particular experiences, on the translation and conjunction of differences around pluralistic projects of recognition of the subjects and their voices to expand the universal as diversality.


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Author Biography

Adelia Miglievich-Ribeiro, UFES

Doutora em Ciências Humanas – Sociologia pela UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, professora adjunta do Departamento de Ciências Sociais e nos PPGs de Ciências Sociais e de Letras da Ufes em Vitória, ES, e atualmente bolsista de pós-doutorado sênior Faperj/ProPed-Uerj. A inspiração desta reflexão nasceu na mesa redonda intitulada “Desafios epistemológicos contemporâneos à Sociologia: perspectivas críticas da América Latina e África”, no 29º Congresso da Associação Latino-Americana de Sociologia em Santiago do Chile, em 2013



How to Cite

Miglievich-Ribeiro, A. (2014). Towards a decolonial rationality: Ethical-political-epistemological challenges to the modern worldview. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 14(1), 66–80.