Ethnographies and Islamic contexts: notes on the native’s points of view and postcolonial visions in Morocco


  • Silvia Montenegro IFCS/UFRJ



ethnographies, Morocco, Islam, informants


This article presents some reflections on the ethnographic practice in contemporary Morocco. Based on my own fieldwork experiences, the paper analyzes some informant’s viewpoints about the task of anthropologists and other “observers” of their culture. Furthermore, I examine the discourse of local intellectuals about “Western” anthropological approaches to the study of Islam in Morocco. The text explores some of the assumptions, tensions and ambiguities behind the interplay between observers and observed.


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Author Biography

Silvia Montenegro, IFCS/UFRJ

Doutora em Sociologia (IFCS/UFRJ), Pesquisadora do Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet, Argentina), Professora do Departamento de Antropologia, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Pesquisadora associada do Institut des Etudes Hispano Lusophone, Université Mohammed V Agdal, Rabat, Marrocos. Áreas de pesquisa: religião, etnicidade, diásporas, fronteiras, culturas e transnacionalismo.



How to Cite

Montenegro, S. (2013). Ethnographies and Islamic contexts: notes on the native’s points of view and postcolonial visions in Morocco. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 12(3), 489–505.