Changes in religious communication: analysis of the two communication models operating in Brazil today


  • Airton Luiz Jungblut PUCRS



religious communication, religion and communication, mass media and religion, religion and internet, communication and religious market


This article aims to analyze the use of modern communication technologies by groups and/or individuals associated with religion and religiosity in Brazil today. This will be done by analyzing both the Mass Communication Media (MCM) and the emerging Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). Special attention will be given to the marketing aspects involved in these uses, since by taking into account this intervening factor, it decisively throws light upon this process to be analyzed. As a result, it is shown that these are two models of communication that have deep religious “elective affinities” with two current ways of religious living experiences: the institutionalized religion of “religious firms” and the autonomous religiosity favored by today’s individualism.


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Author Biography

Airton Luiz Jungblut, PUCRS

Professor e pesquisador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).



How to Cite

Jungblut, A. L. (2013). Changes in religious communication: analysis of the two communication models operating in Brazil today. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 12(3), 453–468.

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