Dialogues between Bruno Latour and Ulrich Beck: Convergences and divergences


  • Tatiana Gomes Rotondaro Universidade Federal Fluminense




social theory, actor network theory (ANT), cosmopolitanism, Ulrich Beck, Bruno Latour


This paper aims to expose and reflect on the debate between remarkable social scientists of our time: Ulrich Beck and Bruno Latour. However, I still suggest that this debate goes beyond the level of their convergences and divergences in providing indicative of some trends in the humanities. One aspect that I intend to discuss refers to what I see as an “anthropological openness” of the human sciences, which in no way corresponds to his anthropologization. I argue that due the proliferation of crises sociologists and political scientists tend to open their macro-explanatory schemes of social scrutiny and the combination of anthropological methodologies as a mean of finding bases for new parameters that can delimit normative political projects.


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How to Cite

Rotondaro, T. G. (2012). Dialogues between Bruno Latour and Ulrich Beck: Convergences and divergences. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 12(1), 145–160. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2012.1.11152