Postcolonial and Decolonial Approach on Paul The Letter to the Romans



Postcolonial, Decolonial, Theology, Romans.


The text discusses the post and decolonial approach in its history and context, purposes and relationships. It aims to investigate the phenomenon developed in Latin America, its relations with the European and North American alternative thinking, its implications in Christianity, in Theology and in the research on Paul. In this guidance. The Letter to the Romans is analyzed. The most significant bibliography is revised and a proper analysis is proposed. It is concluded that the analysis is pertinent, possible and necessary. Paul makes a diagnosis of the Empire and the Imperial House and launches the proposal of an alternative society based on the eschatological justice of God, which does not imply in revolt, but resistance in solidarity and mutual love. This proposal falls upon individuals, communities and reaches the cosmos itself. It is concluded, finally, that the post and decolonial approach is highly significant, with strong inspiration to biblical scholars committed with a critical hermeneutics and to those who believe in the transformation of the system of modernity/coloniality, which still affects us, causing confusion and intense suffering to large contingents of the population and to nature itself.

Author Biography

Flávio Martinez de Oliveira, Universidade Católica de Pelotas

Curso de Teologia e Curso de Medicina



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New Testament