Paraphrasing: Why and What for?


  • Onici Claro Flôres Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul



Reading, Paraphrasing, Writing, Teaching


This article focuses on paraphrasing as a linguistic-cognitive process, based on neuroscientific studies (DEHAENE, 2012; IZQUIERDO, 2011; van DIJK, 2010). The aim is, through a retrospective of studies carried out by Fuchs (1982, 1985) and other authors, situate the approach highlighting the importance of repetition and  paraphrasing for the knowledge construction. Lastly, it is suggested that paraphrase may be considered for both to test reading comprehension as to stimulate written production, among academic students as well as students of other levels of education.


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How to Cite

Flôres, O. C. (2016). Paraphrasing: Why and What for?. Letrônica, 9(2), 253–263.