Tangible Interaction for Social Compensation at m





Functional diversity, Tangible interaction, Social compensation, Mediation, Social interaction.


Technology can have a motivating and mediation role in the learning of students with functional diversity. In this paper, we discuss social compensation in processes that are mediated with technologies from a case study with 6 ASD children and 7 children with specific communication needs using tangible interaction in na educational intervention process. Based on the data, social interaction and mediation social processes emerged in the study group are discussed. The results showed improvements in the interactions of most of the subjects, as well as in their ability to represent the manipulated objects, enabling the transition from the concrete to the symbolic. This change was more evident in the participants with no functional oral language and literacy. Mediations with tangible interaction and the different representation ways allow the access to symbolic language and promote the zone of proximal development (or imminent), key for the social compensation pointed by Vygotsky.


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How to Cite

Passerino, L., Roselló, T. C., & Baldassarri, S. (2018). Tangible Interaction for Social Compensation at m. Educação, 41(3), 362–373. https://doi.org/10.15448/1981-2582.2018.3.31732



Dossiê: A Defectologia de Vygotsky